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Job Vacancy in PT Bio Farma April 2013

PT Bio Farma (Persero) invites competent and talented individuals from the following educational backgrounds:

Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Healthcare Analysis, Chemical Analysis,Veterinary, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering,Mechanical Engineering, Information Technology,Computer Engineering, Medical Doctor

Accounting, Management.

[K-P911] Finance & Accounting
[K-P901] Information Technology
[K-P902] Production
[K-P903] Production
[K-P904] Production
[K-P905] Quality Assurance<br
[K-P906] Quality Control<br
[K-P907] Research & Development
[K-P912] Secretarial
[K-P910] Surveillance
[K-P908] Technic & Maintenance
[K-P909] Technic & Maintenance

to join the company as members of its excellent, globally competitive team. Qualified applicants are encouraged to visit the Career page and apply for any open position available, starting from April 13th until April 28th 2013.

*All recruitment processes are conducted online through our official website and the selection is held in PT Bio Farma (Persero), at Jl. Pasteur No. 28, Bandung.

That is the job information about PT Bio Farma (Persero), may be useful for you. Thank you for visiting the blog Lowongan Kerja Terbaru.

Tag : Bandung, BUMN
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